
Surrey Hills MTB


The Three Horseshoes

You can just roll that

So excellent TFIT last night.

18 ish miles with not a lot of climbing but twas a bit on the chilly side. I was carrying my “Professional Northerner” card last night and did not take any full length tights – I mean, it’s only hypothermia – right?

Speaking of hypothermia – Matt W (who was not feeling the love from the start) singularly failed to make a stream crossing and promptly fell sideways in it. It was not glamorous but it was a bit funny!

And speaking of funny, my abiding memory of the evening is Steve showing us a very twisty “new downhill” somewhere on Hankley Common. On seeing this he assured us “You can just roll that if you want” then promptly stacked the first corner with Andy and Mark as well.

So Matt and I walked the first bit…

Oh yeah – no fire in the Three Horseshoes – “Zut Alors” and Mark REALLY likes his new bike

And one more thing – Happy 40th Birthday James!

Back at the Bowl

Good ride last night, just me, Steve and Mark flying the flag up to the Punchbowl and down the back way into Thursley as we’ve slipped into the holiday season.

Overriding conclusions last night were:

  1. Fat tyres are not mandatory in the French Alps if its dry and hard-packed like it was in Morzine
  2. Walkers Pickled Onion crisps are really, REALLY lovely and we need more of them
  3. The Three Horseshoes is back on the pub list – excellent beer (but not too many)
  4. Mark needs to get rid of his Alpine tyres “toute de suite”
  5. Steve has successfully ‘beasted’ me and Mark, just Dave and Matt to go
  6. I am going to the French Alps next year, irrespective of anyone else, I’m going
  7. I have no idea just when the hell I’m going to get round to dealing with the video but I will try as soon as possible

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